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Events at Bankeråt

Music, culture, art and all the good that falls between the cracks.

Bankeråt has a long history, as being much more than a café, restaurant and bar.

Since its establishment in 1989, the old bricks have been able to tell stories about everything from punk concerts, jazz music, book publications, art exhibitions and varnishing and a host of other glories.

We believe that we have a responsibility to contribute to our local area and culture, and therefore we try to facilitate exciting, fun and meaningful events.

Every month you will be able to experience music, poetry, art and culture at Bankeråt, and you can keep up to date with our events on the links below, as well as our calendar further down the page.


Do you have an idea for an event you would like to hold at Bankeråt?

Or do you know a talented artist who deserves stage time?

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Ahlefeldtsgade 27-29
1359 Copenhagen K

+45 33936988

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