We mean it,
when we say so.
"Sustainability is an approach, not a measure."
The team behind BANKERÅT is made up of unique individuals, with a burning passion for working with the world's diversity of taste impressions, on the world's own terms.
That is why we work sustainably, buy locally and organically, and work with the natural seasons. With this, we try to evoke a natural overall experience, to be in harmony with one's surroundings.
We strive now and in the future to alchemically summon the most beautiful contrasts and taste impressions, to create memories for life.
Stop by & taste the atmosphere and the menu.

& lokalt samlingspunkt.
Café Bankeråt har været en kultursatelit i Nansensgadekvarteret i Indre København, siden sin åbning.
Et sted, hvor der er højt til loftet, plads til alle og en unægtelig bohemsk rummelighed.
I dag huser caféen en række af events, koncepter og happenings, som du kan følge med i på Facebook og Instagram.
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med plads til alt det spøjse.